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Mau sekalian titip kado? JASTIO solusinya!
JASTIO "Jasa Titip Kado" ke acara Fashion Show
Kami membantu para tamu undangan yang ingin menitipkan kado fisik ke pemilik acara secara instan bisa beli langsung di undangan, kado bisa di tracking melalui link yang akan diberikan setelah pemesanan selesai. Kado Langsung Diproses dan Dilayanai oleh Indoinvite
Telah Diliput Media Nasional
Hampers Gift Box Mukena Travel Premium, Parfum EDP, HIjab, Scrunchie, Bandana Ciput, Gantungan Kunci Boneka (Free Kartu Ucapan)
Tanpa Mengurangi Rasa Hormat, Kami Mengundang Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i untuk Hadir di Acara Kami.
Fashion Show
We would like to cordially invite you to our Night Party on August 12nd at 06.00 p.m. at the Marbella Hotel. This black-tie event will feature a Fashion Show and live entertainment Local Band & DJ.
We hope that you can join us for this special evening. Please kindly to confirm your attendance. You can respond by this Invitation.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Warm regards,
HK Team
F - Dress
M - Semi Formal
Our Gallery
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Fashion Show
"It is a pleasure and honor for us if you are willing to attend our event."